
About Real Talk Education

“Real Talk Education was launched in 2020 as an answer to hundreds of requests from schools over the last ten years for in-depth resources on the topics of personal wellbeing, relationships and sexuality."

Our Story

Real Talk Education is an initiative of Real Talk International Ltd. which is a not-for-profit charity organisation that works extensively throughout Australia and New Zealand. Averaging over 500 live presentations per year Real Talk is a global leader providing values-based presentations on the human person and human sexuality.   

Existing for less than a decade, Real Talk has grown rapidly in part due to the massive need for the education we provide. Modern culture presents young people with many exciting opportunities, but there are also many new challenges, including the hyper-sexualisation of young people, the impact of the digital world, and the pressures on home life. A lack of formation in these areas can result in poor decision making, heartache, and mental illness. Recent global events have made the path of human flourishing even harder.

Despite this gloomy picture, Real Talk has some good news! There is a better way to live. There is a blueprint for positive self-worth and healthy, lasting relationships based on love and respect. Real Talk Education exists to help resource schools with Christian values-based materials that empower young people to live life to the full.

Paul Ninnes - Director

Paul is the Director of Real Talk Education and Real Talk International Ltd. Paul is a sought-after expert and leader in working with young people. He has a passion for seeing young people fulfil the potential they were created for.

Paul has spoken at:

  • Australian Summit Against Sexual Exploitation
  • New Zealand Association of Christian Schools National Conference
  • Queensland Associated Christian Schools Conference
  • Ignite National Youth Conference
  • Australian Catholic Youth Festival
  • Centre for Human Dignity
  • Renaissance of Marriage National Conference
  • MenAlive National Conference
  • + hundreds of schools around Australia and New Zealand
Paul 1 Final

Who is Real Talk?

Real Talk Snapshot

What Schools have to say about Real Talk and our presentations

“The messages about true identity, relationships, love and life were so relevant to the students. We all enjoyed your entertaining and inspiring presentations grounded in biblical truth."

Cate Garwood

– Principal, Araluen Christian College

"I commend Real Talk resources to you and encourage you to promote and use them in your schools... They are works of deep faith and missionary zeal, and I am confident they will enlighten and strengthen many young people in Australia and beyond."

Most Rev Mark Coleridge

- Catholic Archbishop of Brisbane

“This was the best presentation on decision making and choices I have ever seen delivered to students. The topics were relevant and challenging which kept the students engaged and interested throughout.”

Grant Shepherd

– Yr 11 Pastoral Coordinator, Southern Cross Catholic College

“A must have - essential! Difficult issues that are tough for teachers to talk about, very professionally presented by Real Talk.”

Geoff Steyn

 – Middleton Grange School, Christchurch, NZ

Our team speak to over 35,000 students in schools annually!

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